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September 24, 2009


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michelle ward

Darlene - nice drawing! Bravo for taking the time to research the furniture from the Marie era. It not only gave you information to be more accurate in the work you create surrounding your Marie work, but I'm sure it gave you all kinds of inspiration too. Great interpretation of the challenge. Thanks for sharing with the team!

Kathryn - Collage Diva

Research is one of my favorite things to do. Getting into the details on a subject. I love your source images and how you worked it for your illustration. Great job!


What fun! Thanks for sharing.


Darlene -- You are to be commended on your research. Love you chair! I've found when you love a subject you have to start the research. You might like the book I am reading called "Abundance" by Sena Jeter Naslund. This is a novel about Marie Antoinette in "Marie's" own words. It is blowing me away. Best of luch in your pursuit of Marie.


I agree- I think Michelle is psychic. What a beautiful chair you made...I love the research part but often slack at making it happen..

On a side note..I need to order that 2nd chair...SWOON!


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