I came across this inspiring post, Make 2016 the Best for Your Art written by Nicholas Wilton. He suggests that artists ask themselves the following question, “What is the best situation, the best conditions for me to make Art?"
Here are a few of the conditions that Wilton has integrated into his art practice that has helped him significantly:
- Schedule Your Studio Time Every Week - "Treat your art practice as important as self care, because actually it is. We all know that when our art is going well we feel fantastic?"
- Show Up Little but Often - "Don’t worry about not having enough time to spend 5 hours making art every day or even one day....Come in for 30 minutes if that is all you have."
- Allow More, Not Less, to Come In - "In your life, gather anything that you see or find that resonates with you and bring that, in some form or another, into your studio. It could be a photo you have seen or a print from something online or just an object found....Inspiration comes from experiencing change and newness."
Make sure that you read the complete post for more details.
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